
Wednesday 25 August 2021

My Lego Limo!


Today me and my dad made a Lego limo! The colour scheme is Pink, Purple, White, yellow and red! The total area of the Limo is 550. My favourite part was putting on the yellow stars and lights at the front. My least favourite part was finding the total area. Next time I would make the stairs that lead up to the second story bigger. Whats your favourite part about the Limo? I hope you like it as much as I do!


  1. Nice team work with your Dad, that's a super limo. Who chose the colour scheme? When you say the total area is 550 it wld be good to state 550 *what*? (bricks, cm's). I totally love the added details💐

  2. Loving your limo Ashlyn - my favourite part is the upstairs. Great colour scheme too.

    1. Yeah the up stairs is my favourite part!
